Automatically receive daily rank reports for the keywords of your choice


Every day, you'll be able to get your positions in Google, rank variations and view the history via attractive graphs.

Oseox RANKING is a keyword rank tracker tool.

For example, you can find out if your site ranks in the top 3 for the keyword of your choice.

The tool can monitor the positions of your strategic keywords on a daily basis.

You'll get beautiful curves showing the evolution of your positions over days, weeks or months, and you'll be able to compare positions between 2 dates.

Position tracking "à la carte"

Is it really useful to keep track of rankings every day? In most cases, no. Who can do more, can do less.

You can choose how often you wish to monitor your positions. 

You can, for example, monitor your positions just once a week.

The advantage? You pay 7 times less!

Paying 7 times less allows you to save money or track even more keywords.

At Oseox, we don't count the number of keywords to monitor, we count the number of positions to track.

Tailor-made notifications

Like all the tools in the Oseox suite, RANKING lets you choose precisely which day you want to be notified.

Maybe you don't have the time or the need to check your reports every day.

You receive your positions directly by email. No need to connect to the platform.

You can therefore send automatically your positions to your customers (or managers) by email.

Keyword groups

Sort your words into groups quickly and easily, so you can better organize your reports by thematic/semantic universe.

Competition report

For each report, RANKING retrieves the competitor sites positioned on your keywords.

You obtain a weighted ranking of the most visible sites, enabling you to :

  • Identify market leaders and new players
  • Discover your real competitors in the SERPs (vs. IRL)
  • Observe the evolution of your brand in relation to others
  • Each time we crawl, we update this report and automatically calculate variations (in value and percentage).

Visibility index

For the keywords of your choice, RANKING calculates a global visibility index based on your positions.

This index is recalculated after each crawl.

The result is an attractive graph (and table) showing the evolution.

TOP1, TOP3 & TOP 10

A specific report is available to track the evolution of your number of top1, top3 and top10 keywords.

Unique technical features

You may not be aware of it, but in order to save money, the majority of position tracking tools use a special parameter when scraping Google: "num=100".

This little parameter allows you to obtain 100 results on a single page. It's practical, fast and cheap.

The problem? Positions are not always identical to positions without this parameter.

With Oseox RANKING, the choice is yours!

In the settings, you can decide whether or not you want us to use this parameter to retrieve your positions from Google.

Other options are also available, so that you can make an informed choice.

Of course, not using the "num=100" parameter will cost you more, because it costs us... more.

Beyond the top 30, positions don't mean much. Just as you'd like to know your positions every day, is it really useful to know your positions after page 3?

BULK everywhere

Like all Oseox tools, we design them to be quickly configurable and up to date.

Agency / multi-site mode

Oseox RANKING lets you monitor a fleet of sites and decide precisely who will be notified by email for each site.

Even better, crawl & notification options are customizable for each domain.

The credit system

This system is the fairest for users.

You can use very few credits if you want infrequent reports and/or use the least expensive options.

On the other hand, a user who wishes to use Oseox RANKING intensively, on a large number of keywords and with the most precise (and therefore costly) options, will be able to do so, but will have to pay more.

In this way, no one is restricted and everyone can benefit according to their budget or needs.

Just another position tracking tool?

One of the advantages of RANKING is that it allows you to centralize information.

The Oseox platform is ultra-complete, offering you monitoring, alerting, reporting and crawling information.


$99.00 /Month
For all this 👇
  • ALERTING : 1 000 URL
  • MONITORING : 3 000 URL
  • SENTINEL : 10 Sites
  • RANKING : 2 000 Keywords
  • LINK : 1 000 URL
  • SITEMAP : 100 000 URL
  • HTTP : 50 000 URL
  • PING : 25 URL
  • DOMAIN : Included
  • BOX : Included
  • $ CREDITS : 25 000


$199.00 /Month
For all this 👇
  • ALERTING : 2 500 URL
  • MONITORING : 10 000 URL
  • SENTINEL : 25 Sites
  • RANKING : 3 000 Keywords
  • LINK : 2 500 URL
  • SITEMAP : 200 000 URL
  • HTTP : 150 000 URL
  • PING : 50 URL
  • DOMAIN : Included
  • BOX : Included
  • $ CREDITS : 35 000


$499.00 /Month
For all this 👇
  • ALERTING : 3 500 URL
  • MONITORING : 15 000 URL
  • SENTINEL : 50 Sites
  • RANKING : 10 000 Keywords
  • LINK : 5 000 URL
  • SITEMAP : 300 000 URL
  • HTTP : 250 000 URL
  • PING : 100 URL
  • DOMAIN : Included
  • BOX : Included
  • $ CREDITS : 100 000

Oseox LINK

$19.90 /Month
For all this 👇
  • LINK : 1 000 URL
  • DOMAIN : Included
  • BOX : Included


$24.90 /Month
For all this 👇
  • SENTINEL : 5 Sites
  • DOMAIN : Included
  • BOX : Included


$59.00 /Month
For all this 👇
  • MONITORING : 1 000 URL
  • SENTINEL : 2 Sites
  • LINK : 500 URL
  • SITEMAP : 50 000 URL
  • HTTP : 25 000 URL
  • PING : 5 URL
  • DOMAIN : Included
  • BOX : Included

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